How the tool works

Step 1: People Submit Solutions


All users are invited to submit development solutions. Each solution is sent for moderation before going live on the site.

Step 2: Others Contribute to knowledge bank of each solution


Often the same solution has been implemented in many places around the world. Users are invited to contribute additional relevant information to the solution under the following headings.

  • Summary
  • Technology
  • Research
  • Case Studies
  • How To
  • Videos
  • Contacts
  • Forum

Step 3: Development workers identify relevant solutions


People involved in all types of development around the world can research solutions, identify solutions relevant to them and downloaded the collective knowledge built  up around the solution.

Step 4: The Solutions are implemented faster with less mistakes


As people are implementing the solutions in their area they can return and post questions in the forum to other who have implemented the same solution which will help to avoid the mistakes othes incountered.

Crowdsourced Knowledge Providers

The solutions and contributions can be provided by a range of sources around the world including

* Organisations involved in development

* Businesses involved in Development

* Academic Rearchers

* On the ground practicioners

* or anyone who feels they have something constructive to the knowledge that is being gathered



Each Section and in time subsections will have peer apointed moderators who will review information that is being submitted and vet it for quality and legitamacy. This will help to ensure the information remains clean and easy to research and implement. All users can use the Forum section if their submission is not featured in other sections. This moderation is similar to how wikipedia is run.


Knowledge Bank End Users

The knowledge bank wil have an easy to use interface where development practisioners from around the world can research solutions which maybe relevant to their interest and jurisdiction.

* Local Development Workers

* Regional Development works

* Development Organisation and professionals

* Research bodies and professionals